Thank you everyone who attended our Movie Night Social. It is always great to relax for a bit while we continue to get through this semester and hopefully everyone appreciated the movie!
The home dedication for the Huff family has been scheduled for March 31st from 5:30pm to 6pm. The Director of Champaign Habitat will be in attendance and a quick video from our chapter will be presented during the event. It is a beautiful ceremony to witness as another family receive the keys for their new home and a reminder of what we strive to do so we hope to see you there.
Link to the event:
It is time to bring in some new leadership into the organization! Officer applications have been opened for all to see so if you want to have a bigger role in the chapter and help lead the club then feel free to look at the different positions we have. The more people we have working together in the club the better so do not be afraid to apply.
Position Descriptions:
Application Link:
Link to the Q&A:
Coming up fast is one of our signature events, Build-A-Thon. Teams of up to 5 people will build shacks on the south quad to see who can make the best small wooden building. The event will take on March 27th from 11am to 3pm with more information on the website linked below.
Link to be sorted into a team:
Website Link:
The ability to become a dorm ambassador is still available for anyone who is interested. It is of great help to spread information about the organization and is also a way to participate in the club's workings. The link to the form is below.
Form Link: