We have reached our fundraising goal for the semester! It is thanks to everyone who worked together and everyone who participated in our events. The money raised will be of great use to building more homes for deserving families.
Also, a thank you to everyone who attended Build-A-Thon 2021 and donated, we will not have reached our goal if not for your help!
The Huff Family Dedication is coming soon with it set for March 21st from 5:30pm to 6pm. The completion of a new home is a major event to behold as the family start their new lives in it. Also see the director of Champaign Habitat and a little video by us during the ceremony. Hope to see everyone there!
Link to the event: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/86108184675?pwd=aThDaUVaZ3AzeDYrdm1XcjNmM2l0QT09
Officer Applications are still open for anyone to apply for. A wide range of positions are available that offer a variety of experiences, so I encourage you to look at the officer descriptions and even apply if you are interested in any of them. An officer Q&A is set for March 31st from 6pm to 6:30pm so if you want to learn more or if you want to ask any questions feel free to come on by.
Link to the role descriptions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nDqWHQhey1SzSCIjW2Zkd0uX03Ah_gihQng3B9Xsquw/edit
Link to the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4bnTLu_z_mMz3FjBhmizJQji5J-YVFyhCN7dGYo8XKimJ4Q/viewform
Link to the Q&A:
New dorm ambassadors are welcome to join in the effort to spread information of our events. It is a position that is of great help to the organization and a simple way to be involved.